Hast Rekha

Palmistry, a traditional practice in India dating back to ancient times, forms an essential component of Samudrika Shastra, focusing on interpreting signs and marks on the human body and palms. Early references to palmistry, known as Hasta Rekha Vigyan, can be traced back to the Yuddha kaanda of Valmiki Ramayana. Influenced by astrology, palmistry aligns planetary significations with palm mounts, making it a powerful tool for understanding the human psyche. The palm, being a sensory organ, offers profound insights into an individual’s personality. By examining various aspects such as hand types, mounts, fingers, lines, knots, fingertips, and special marks, palmistry unveils unique traits and potential in individuals. The ICAS syllabus delves deeper into this subject, offering a professional approach and equipping students with the skills to predict various aspects of life for individuals.
Hast Rekha Praveena – https://www.icasindia.org/ICAS/HastarekhaPraveena.html
Hast Rekha Visharada – https://www.icasindia.org/ICAS/HastaRekhaVisharada.html