Jyotisha is one of the six Vedanga (limbs of the Vedas). The importance is given to Jyotisha such that it is regarded as the eyes of Veda Purusha
Embark on a Journey of Wisdom: Take the First Step with Us
Jyotisha is one of the six Vedanga (limbs of the Vedas). The importance is given to Jyotisha such that it is regarded as the eyes of Veda Purusha
Nādi system of Astrology is a specialised branch of predictive Astrology. This happens to be the gift of different Maharishis for the welfare of their posterity and as such, it has many sub-systems credited to the Maharishis who propounded them.
Palmistry is one of the vidyas practised in India since ancient times. It is an integral part of Samudrika Shastra dealing with signs, and marks on the human body
Vāstu is a traditional Hindu science of architecture researched and developed since the Vedic period. The age old Vedic architectural knowledge
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Attending the Vedic Jyotish classes from ICAS Rohini chapter has been an enlightening journey for me as a student. The depth of knowledge shared by the instructors, coupled with their passion for the subject, has made every session engaging and insightful. Through practical exercises and personalized guidance, I've gained a deeper understanding of Vedic Jyotish principles and their real-world applications. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from such experienced and dedicated teachers, and I highly recommend ICAS Rohini chapter to anyone seeking to explore the profound wisdom of Jyotish
जितना ज्ञानवर्धक ICAS -VI का वातावरण, उतने ही ज्ञानवर्धक, अनुभवी व समर्पित हमारे गुरुजन है। आपके सानिध्य की परछाई मे बहुत कुछ सीखा, और सीख रहे है। सभी गुरुजन का हृदय से साभार धन्यवाद।
I am doing online Vedic Parveen 2 and Nadi Parveen from Rohini chapter ICAS. Its very wonderfully experience . Here method of teaching is very impressive. Teachers teach us each aspect with example .I am very grateful to have got an opportunity to learn from Rohini ICAS.
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Astrology, an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years, continues to captivate and intrigue people around the world. While some dismiss it as mere pseudoscience, others swear by its insights into personality, relationships, and life events. In this blog, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of astrology, exploring its history, principles, and the role it plays in contemporary society.