
Jyotisha, one of the six Vedanga (auxiliary limbs of the Vedas), holds significant importance, often referred to as the “eyes of Veda Purusha.” This sacred wisdom forms an integral part of our cultural heritage, bestowed upon us by our revered seers. The astrological principles they imparted have withstood the test of time, offering invaluable insights into various aspects of human life and worldly affairs. By delving into the significance of planets, bhavas, yogas, and predictive principles, one can decipher and anticipate diverse scenarios in real-life situations. At ICAS, we strive to disseminate this profound knowledge to eager learners, adhering closely to the techniques prescribed in our classical texts.
Jyotish Praveena – https://www.icasindia.org/ICAS/JyotishPraveena.html
Jyotish Visharada – https://icasindia.org/ICAS/JyotishVisharada.html
Jyotish Bhushana – https://www.icasindia.org/ICAS/JyotishBhushan.html